This Baby Already Loves To Sing With Her Dad And She Is Only 4 Months Old

Music is a tool that is often used to soothe and comfort children. In fact, young babies in particular often find delicate and relaxing tunes very interesting. One newborn is proving that babies can enjoy music too in the latest video to hit the internet.

Although the baby was only born four months ago, she clearly has a love for music that may stay with her for life! The adorable video was recorded by the baby’s father, who found that when he sings to her, she tries to sing along with him! Thankfully, the father posted it online so everyone can experience the cute scene.

The sight of a baby trying to sing along with her father is too cute for words. Obviously, the bond between this baby and her father is already unbreakable at such a young age.

But what song does the baby enjoy singing the most? Her favorite song is ‘Amazing Grace,’ especially when her father sings the tune along with her! Although music is complex, at her young age the baby seems to already understand how it works. It’s a common feeling to believe that children are the world’s greatest blessings.



Some people wait their entire lives to have children, and once they do, they realize how incredible and life-changing parenting can be. Naturally, everything that babies do is adorable. Whether they are learning how to crawl, having tummy time, or learning how to make certain sounds, they’re precious and innocent.

Even the simple sight of a baby smiling or laughing can make your entire day. That’s why seeing the baby sing in the video is so precious!
Although the baby in the video is only a few months old, it’s incredible that her father is encouraging her to try to sing by belting out songs for her. Bonding with your child from a young age is particularly important to help them grow up into individuals who have strong emotional intelligence.

The time this father is taking to bond with his daughter over the music is priceless. Maybe the musical connection between father and daughter will stick with them for a lifetime.

Now that this video has gone viral online, we’re sure other parents will be inspired to sing more to their children as well. You never know, they might just sing back! You can watch the adorable video below. What do you think about this father-daughter duet?

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