Before And After Photos Of First Day Of School Show It Taking Its Toll On Little Girl

Starting school can be fun, but it can also be really hard. There are new clothes and school supplies to buy. There are the usual worries about whether you’ll make friends or see any familiar faces. One little girl’s hilarious before and after pictures show how rough the first day can be.



Sweet little Lucie from Glasgow definitely looked excited for her first day. In the before picture, she has a cute smile on her face. Her school uniform looks clean and neat. There is a black-and-yellow bow-tied perfectly in her hair. Her black-and-yellow tie is knotted. Her shirt is tucked in and her skirt is on straight.


But the after picture is hilarious. Lucie looks like she’s just returned from the battlefield. Her mom told The Metro, “She had her skirt round her ankles almost and a bow at the back of her hair.” Her glittery unicorn backpack was also slung low over one elbow. Her shirt is untucked, her hair is a mess, and her jacket is falling off.

Grownups can definitely relate to that look after a long day at the office, but what’s so funny about this is that Lucie is only five. It looks like she had a rough day playing with friends and getting back into the school routine.

Her mother told the British tabloid that she thought this was just too funny. She said her daughter had a fun day at school but it made her really tired. She went to bed early and was very quiet. Lucie’s mother added that Lucie is usually pretty quiet except when she’s around her siblings.

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